Cernatescu va co-preda modulul EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS pentru INDE Executive MBA la Bucharest Business School si va co-preda, de asemenea, Modulul Strategie de Afaceri si Agilitate pentru Business Development & Leadership in an International Context, Executive Certificate, organizat in Bucuresti, Varna si Bratislava de cele mai bune scoli de afaceri locale din acest domeniu.
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Alex Cernatescu, CEO & Co-Fondator al Stefanini Infinit, este cel mai nou cadru didactic asociat la unul dintre cele mai prestigioase programe de Executive MBA ale Bucharest Business School
[RO] Alex Cernatescu va co-preda modulul EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS pentru INDE Executive MBA la Bucharest Business School si va co-preda, de asemenea, Modulul Strategie de Afaceri si Agilitate pentru Business Development & Leadership in an International Context, Executive Certificate, organizat in Bucuresti, Varna si Bratislava de cele mai bune scoli de afaceri locale din acest domeniu.
Alex Cernatescu este actualmente:
• CEO, Co-Founder & Global Head of Strategy at Stefanini Infinit - US & EMEA
• Experienced Business Strategist, Marketer & Digital Transformation Expert
• Internationally Recognized Speaker, Consultant & (Corporate Teams) Trainer
• Serial Entrepreneur & Investor in Technology, Advertising, Marketing, Education & Digital Products
Specializat si experimentat in crearea si gestionarea echipelor agile, adaptate contextului actual de afaceri, care pun impreuna skill-uri de STRATEGIE, CREATIVITATE, DATE si TEHNOLOGIE pentru a ajuta brandurile si afacerile sa se apropie mai mult de consumatorii si angajatii lor, dar sa fie si mai adaptabile la schimbari.
Alex este recunoscut in mai multe industrii, premiat cu premiul Forbes 30 Under 30 pentru Inovatie, Digital si Media si, de asemenea, prezentat pe coperta revistei Forbes in 2022.
Cu multa pasiune cat si experienta in antreprenoriat, dezvoltare a afacerilor globale, management C-Level, transformare digitala, dezvoltare de produse software, managementul schimbarilor si leadership in companii de publicitate digitala, publicitate, software si tehnologie Alex a performat in toate aceste domenii cu rezultate masurabile.
Alex crede ca viitorul afacerilor si al lumii este inextricabil legat de cel al tehnologiei. El este pasionat sa ajute organizatiile si antreprenorii sa foloseasca tehnologia si creativitatea in avantajul lor, pentru a-si atinge mai repede si mai bine obiectivele lor, in mod sustenabil.
Cernatescu este un mare sustinator al deciziilor bazate pe date si al importantei de a fi agil.
“Am crezut intotdeauna in educatie ca un mijloc pentru evolutie accelerata. Mai ales in lumea de astazi, unde devine din ce in ce mai greu pentru echipele de lideri - atat antreprenori cat si executivi la nivel de directori - sa vada adevaratul impact al tehnologiei si al Inteligentei Artificiale in organizatiile lor, exista o nevoie clara pentru programe care sa le ajute sa se descurce cu viitorul intr-un mod aplicabil care poate ajuta afacerile sa devina agile, adaptive si, de asemenea, mai profitabile.
Am fost onorat de invitatia pe care am primit-o sa devin profesor in unele dintre cele mai recunoscute si apreciate programe de educatie executiva din aceasta parte a Europei si unele dintre cele mai apreciate din regiune.
Abia astept sa impartasesc experienta mea de antreprenoriat, management si dezvoltare a afacerilor in cadrul programului si sa ajut executivii si antreprenorii sa creeze organizatii mai puternice si mai inteligente si sa-si dezvolte intelegerea peisajului de afaceri actual si viitor si sa-si construiasca setul de abilitati pentru succes”, a spus Alex Cernatescu - CEO, Co-Founder & Global Head of Strategy la Stefanini Infinit si, de asemenea, cadru didactic asociat la Programul MBA Romano Francez INDE al Bucharest Business School.
„Ne bucuram sa avem antreprenori recunoscuti international ca Alex Cernatescu care sa se alature programului nostru si sa adauge valoare echipei noastre prestigioase de lectori si profesori, deoarece ne-am propus intotdeauna sa cream o calatorie transformationnala valoroasa si sa oferim leadership prin valoare profesionistilor, managerilor si antreprenorilor care aleg programele noastre de MBA sau pe cele scurte de Executive Certificate”, adauga Vasile Alecsandru Strat – Conferentiar universitar, Dept. de Statistica si Econometrie si Decan al Bucharest Business School din caderul ASE.
Stefanini Infinit este una dintre cele mai mari agentii digitale locale si unul dintre furnizorii de transformare digitala / integrare tehnologica si consultanta cu cea mai mare crestere, acoperind atat piata europeana (EMEA), cat si cea americana.
Performanta companiei inca de la infiintare a fost la baza joint venture-ului din 2019, creand astfel noul brand si joint-venture Stefanini Infinit, care acum ofera servicii clientilor din mai mult de 43 de tari.
In calitate de CEO si Global Head of Strategy, Alexandru Cernatescu este responsabil pentru managementul strategic si cresterea si dezvoltarea internationala in toate aspectele sale, cu accent actual pe lansarea globala a serviciilor si capacitatilor noastre.
Stefanini Infinit utilizeaza strategia, tehnologia, datele, inteligenta artificiala si creativitatea pentru a aduce marcile si afacerile mai aproape de consumatorii lor si de angajatii lor.
Compania are la baza propria sa filozofie si metodologie - Tradigital ™ - ceea ce inseamna ca creeaza si mentine ecosisteme de branduri axate pe digital si, cu ele in centru, ruleaza campanii publicitare integrate multi-canal.
Avand resurse proprii (si de grup) pentru consultanta, client service, strategie, creativitate, CRM, planificare si achizitii media, dar si echipe de dezvoltare web si mobil foarte mari (inclusiv A.I.), Stefanini Infinit serveste clienti locali, regionali si globali pe multiple servicii.
Mai multe informatii despre Grupul Stefanini pe www.stefanini.com
Mai mult despre Stefanini Infinit pe www.stefaniniinfinit.com
Bucharest Business School a fost infiintata in 2014 ca scoala de afaceri postuniversitara a Academiei de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (ASE) si a reunit doua dintre cele mai prestigioase programe MBA disponibile in Romania, MBA Romano Canadian si MBA Romano Francez INDE, care au fost infiintate la inceputul anilor ’90 prin parteneriate inter guvernamentale. Cu peste 30 de ani de experienta internationala in educatia executiva prin programele noastre MBA, facultatea noastra se pozitioneaza ca unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori pe piata romaneasca, cu peste 2.500 de absolventi care lucreaza in companii de top si se straduieste sa devina liderul pietei din regiunea sud-est europeana.
Bucharest Business School dezvolta, de asemenea, Master Class-uri cu inscriere deschisa, programe personalizate de Educatie Executiva pentru companii, certificate internationale si programe de dezvoltare antreprenoriala, sub marca BBS Executive Education.
Mai multe informatii despre programele Bucharest Business School, pe
Romanian Canadian Executive MBA
Romanian French INDE EMBA
Business Development & Leadership in an International Context
Business Strategy & Digital Transformation
Alex Cernatescu, CEO, Co-Founder & Global Head of Strategy – Stefanini Infinit
Vasile Alecsandru Strat - Conferentiar universitar, Dept. of Statistics & Econometrics & Decan al Bucharest Business School
Alex Cernatescu, CEO & Co-Founder of Stefanini Infinit, is the newest invited professor at one of the most prestigious Executive MBA programs of the Bucharest Business School
Alex Cernatescu will co-teach the EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS class for the INDE Executive MBA at Bucharest Business School and will also co-teach the Business Strategy and Agility Module for the Business Development & Leadership in an International Context, Executive Certificate, co-organized in Bucharest, Varna and Bratislava by the top business schools in this area.
Alex Cernatescu si currently:
• CEO, Co-Founder & Global Head of Strategy at Stefanini Infinit - US & EMEA
• Experienced Business Strategist, Marketer & Digital Transformation Expert
• Internationally Recognized Speaker, Consultant & (Corporate Teams) Trainer
• Serial Entrepreneur & Investor in Technology, Advertising, Marketing, Education & Digital Products
Specialized and experienced in creating and running agile teams, adapted to the current business context, that put together STRATEGY, CREATIVITY, DATA & TECHNOLOGY in order to help brands and businesses become closer to their consumers and their employees but also be more adaptable to change.
Alex is recognized in multiple industries, awarded the Forbes 30 under 30 for Innovation, Digital and Media Award and is also featured on the cover of Forbes magazine in 2022.
Passionate and experienced in entrepreneurship, global business development, C-Level management, digital transformation, product development, change management and leadership in Digital Advertising, Advertising, Software and Technology companies.
Alex believes that the future of business, and of the world, is inextricably linked to that of technology. He is passionate about helping organizations and entrepreneurs to leverage technology & creativity to their advantage, enabling them to reach their goals faster, better, and more sustainably. He is a firm believer in the power of data-driven decision-making and the importance of being agile.
“I always believed in education as a means for accelerated evolution.
Especially in today’s world where it is becoming harder and harder for leadership teams – both entrepreneurs and C-Level executives within corporations – to see the true future impact of technology and AI in their organizations there is a clear need for programs to help them cope with the future in an applicable way that can help business become agile, adaptive, and also more and more profitable.
I was honored by the invitation I received to become a professor within some of the most recognized and appreciated Executive Education programs from this part of Europe and some of the most appreciated in the region.
I am looking forward to be sharing my entrepreneurship, management and business development experience within the program, and help executives and entrepreneurs create stronger and smarter organizations and develop their understanding of the current and future business landscape, and to build their skillset for success.” declares Alex Cernatescu – CEO, Co-Founder and Global Head of Strategy – Stefanini Infinit and also Invited Professor at Bucharest Business School at INDE EMBA Program. “
“We are glad to have internationally proven entrepreneurs like Alex Cernatescu joining our program and adding value to our prestigious team of professors as we have always strived to create a meaningful transformational journey and to provide leadership through value for the professionals, managers and entrepreneurs choosing our Executive MBA and our Executive Certificate programs.” declares Vasile Alecsandru Strat - Associate Professor, Dept. of Statistics & Econometrics & Dean of Bucharest Business School
About Stefanini Infinit (Infinit Agency before the joint venture with Stefanini Group) is one of the largest local digital agencies & one of the fastest growing digital transformation / technology integration and consultancy providers covering both Europe (EMEA) & US markets.
The company’s performance was at the base of the 2019 joint venture with Stefanini Group thus creating the brand new Stefanini Infinit which is now servicing clients in more than 43 countries .
As acting CEO & Global Head of Strategy Alex is responsible for the company's strategic management and overall international growth & development in all of its aspects with current focus on the global roll-out of our services and capabilities.
Stefanini Infinit use strategy, technology, data, artificial intelligence and creativity to bring brands and business closer to their consumers and their employees alike.
The company has at its base its own philosophy and methodology - Tradigital™ - which means it creates and maintains digital-focused brand ecosystems and with them in the center, runs integrated multi-channel advertising campaigns.
By having in-house/group resources for consultancy, client service, strategy, creative, CRM, media-planning & buying, but also a very large group web&mobile development teams (including A.I.), Stefanini Infinit serves local, regional and global clients on multiple services.
You can find more information about the Stefanini Group here: www.stefanini.com and about Stefanini Infinit here: www.stefaniniinfinit.com
About Bucharest Business School was established in 2014 as the postgraduate business school of Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and has brought together two of the most prestigious MBA programs available in Romania, the Romanian Canadian Executive MBA and Romanian French INDE EMBA, which were both established at the beginning of the ‘90s. With over 30 years of international experience in Executive Education through our MBA Programs, our faculty positions itself as one of the major players on the Romanian market with more than 2,500 graduates working in leading companies and strives in becoming the leader of the market in the South-East European region.
Bucharest Business School also develops Executive Education Master Classes with open enrolment, tailored Executive Education Programs for companies, International Certificates and Entrepreneurial Development Programs, under the BBS Executive Education brand.
You can find more information about the programs here:
Romanian Canadian Executive MBA
Romanian French INDE EMBA
Business Development & Leadership in an International Context
Business Strategy & Digital Transformation
Alex Cernatescu, CEO, Co-Founder & Global Head of Strategy – Stefanini Infinit
Vasile Alecsandru Strat - Associate Professor, Dept. of Statistics & Econometrics & Dean of Bucharest Business School