The HUB Partners, prima agentie integrata de direct communication, angajeaza Account Manager si Senior Account Manager (P)
Joi, 31 August 2017

The HUB Partners, prima agentie integrata de direct communication, angajeaza Account Manager si Senior Account Manager (P)

The HUB Partners, prima agentie integrata de direct communication, angajeaza Account Manager si Senior Account Manager. Clientul este mare, strategic, inovativ si plin de provocari (din acelea pozitive). Citeste mai multe despre ce cautam mai jos, iar despre noi aici: . Si daca ajungi la concluzia ca gandim cam la fel, trimite-ne CV-ul la adresa

The HUB Partners

Suntem singura agentie full-service si integrata din Romania specializata in comunicare directa: data science, analiza si management de baze de date, digital marketing automation, tehnologie, creatie, strategie si PR. In aceasta formula, atingem obiectivele de business si de marketing ale clientilor nostri intr-un mod mult mai eficient si obtinem rezultate cu adevarat masurabile. Acest lucru a fost confirmat recent si de castigarea de catre The HUB Partners a premiului Grand Effie 2017.

Client Relationship Advocate Manager

“A good account manager should have the luck of a magician, dexterity of a juggler and instinct of a hunter”.

- Sheeja Raveendran

Cu ce se ocupa un Client Relationship Advocate Manager:

Este puntea dintre client si agentie. Se asigura ca agentia solutioneaza nevoile clientului si manageriaza toate resursele necesare pentru a atinge acest obiectiv. Rezolva probleme rapid, sustine comunicarea interna si extrena si face managementul financiar al proiectelor, fiind responsabil de finalizarea lor cu succes.

Cunostinte si aptitudini necesare:

·       Organizare exemplara si atentie sporita la detalii.

·       Punctualitate si urmarirea cu strictete a deadline-urilor.

·       Capacitate de a prelua si de a prelucra brief-urile de la client; transpunea lor in brief-uri interne catre departamentele implicate.

·       Comunicare excelenta, atat verbal, cat si in scris.

·       Persuasiune in vanzarea de idei si produse.

·       Placerea de a lucra intr-o echipa cat mai diversa.

·       Atitudine pozitiva fata de feedback.

·       Tenacitate si atitudine pozitiva in situatii dificile.

·       Atentie distributiva si multi-tasking in rezolvarea cerintelor clientilor si ale agentiei.

·       Aptitudini excelente de prezentare la client.

·       Identificarea oportunitatilor de crestere a business-ului pentru clientii agentiei, dar nu numai.

·       Raportare precisa a deciziilor si a pasilor de lucru catre partile implicate.

·       Colaborare excelenta cu departamentul financiar pentru a asigura managementul financiar intern si al bugetelor clientilor, asigurand profitabilitatea tuturor partilor implicate.

Si mai specific:


•            Sa intelegi clar ambitiile agentiei si cum ne propunem sa le atingem

•            Sa fii un promotor al solutiilor digitale in dezvoltarea strategiilor si a ideilor

•            Sa oferi cat mai multa inspiratie echipelor implicate

•            Sa iti impartasesti know-how-ul cu echipele agentiei

•            Sa contribui decisiv in intalnirile de brainstorming

•            Sa ne ajuti sa intelegem si mai bine comportamentele oamenilor si comunitatilor

•            Sa dai dovada de bun-simt, echilibru si corectitudine in relatia cu colegii si cu partenerii


In relatia cu clientul

•            Sa fii la inaltimea standardelor cerute de client, sau chiar mai sus de acestea

•            Sa intelegi perfect business-ul si politica interna a clientului

•            Sa comunici clar, concis si adaptat partenerului de dialog

•            Sa stii sa sustii cu abilitate produsul agentiei si propriile idei, chiar si in situatiile dificile

•            Sa ii incurajezi pe clienti sa simta ca fac parte din echipa, castigandu-le increderea si respectul


Experienta profesionala

•            Intelegerea abordarilor de direct communication & consumer engagement

•            Digital marketing

•            Email marketing

•            Direct Mailing

•            SMS marketing

•            Infoline marketing

•            Data translator /reporting interpretation



The HUB Partners

We're the only full-service, integrated agency in Romania specializing in direct communication: CRM, technology, database analysis and management, digital marketing automation, all wrapped-up in creative glitter, PR buzz, and downright measurable accountability. All this so you can reach your business and marketing objectives in a much more reliable way.

Client Relationship Advocate Manager Role Overview

“A good account manager should have the luck of a magician, dexterity of a juggler and instinct of a hunter. A juggler because you need to juggle multiple accounts, contacts and initiatives effortlessly and this is only possible if you have discipline, focus and the ability to manage time well”. Sheeja Raveendran

What does a Client Relationship Advocate Manager do?

The Client Relationship Advocate Manager, and wider account management team, is the bridge between the client and the agency. They are responsible for ensuring that the agency is meeting the client’s needs and working with all the key functions that go into creating the agency’s advertising output. They are constantly solving problems, managing internal and external communications, and driving projects to completion.

The Lowdown

Ensuring the agency is meeting the client’s needs

Solving problems within the account management team

Managing internal and external communications

Financial management


To do this role you will need to:

Be organised, with strong attention to detail and time management skills

Flourish when working within a team of different people

Be an effective communicator, both verbally and in writing

Be persuasive, able to sell work and ideas, and respond positively to feedback

Be flexible, and able to solve problems

Be resilient and positive in difficult situations

Be able to juggle competing demands from clients and the agency

Be responsible for managing the client relationship through effective communication, problem solving, and responding to requests

Take client communication briefs and develop internal development briefs to key functions

Have strong presentation skills

Ensure that project deadlines and budgets are met, communicating and seeking approval of any changes to these

Identify ways to grow client accounts through new business opportunities

Keep the team and the client up to date with useful knowledge

Maintain accurate records of meetings, decisions and next actions

Work with the finance team or department to manage projects budgets and financial management


More specific:

Behaviour Changing Ideas

•            Clear understanding of the agency ambition and how we propose to achieve it

•            Evidence of personal commitment and contribution to the cause

•            Active leader and advocate for the greater inclusion of data, media and digital in the development of strategy & ideas

•            Writes clear, effective and inspirational briefs

•            Key contributor in Ignition meetings and other idea generating sessions

•            Dedicated to bettering our understanding of why people behave the way they do

Client Satisfaction

•            Meets all of our client service standards

•            Communicates clearly and concisely and sells in key messages to the client

•            An excellent knowledge and understanding of the client’s business and its politic

•            Evidence of strong project management and delivery to deadlines

•            Makes clients feel like one of the team, inspiring their confidence, trust & respect

•            Responsive and able to handle difficult clients or situations


People Satisfaction and Development

•            Strong team player who treats others with respect, fairness and integrity

•            Evidence of sharing knowledge and expertise generously with others

•            Inspires and coaches others to deliver their best work, giving praise where due

•            Gets involved to deliver improved people development inside the team, retention and satisfaction

•            Gives and is prepared to receive honest and constructive feedback

•            Meeting objectives for financial success through excellent negotiations, following correct agency protocols/processes and spotting growth or new business opportunities on the AM level

•            Time sheets are completed effectively every day per deliverable

•            Negotiates realistic client impact hours to maximise profitability of account as negotiated

•            Demonstrates understanding of their part (and their teams part) in the financial success of the agency

•            Requirements and processes audit to reassure they meet Agency’s standards


Creativity & innovation

•            Is an active fresh idea generator & facilitator: values ideas, difference & debate

•            Is prepared to challenge & encourage risks for the best overall solution

•            Delivers clear messages through inspirational presentations

•            Participates fully in inspiration sessions

•            Contributes to and sells our creative reputation


Specific skills

•            Direct communication understanding & consumer engagement approach

•            SMS marketing

•            Email marketing

•            Direct Mailing

•            Infoline marketing

•            Digital marketing

•            Data translator /reporting interpretation

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