3d Photo-real Illustration - Ambalaj 3d Doncafe

Compas Studio este un shop de creatie deschis in anul 2007 specializat in servicii de CGI, packshot, animatie 3D, 3D Photo-Real llustration, visual effects, Ilustratie 2D, character design, concept art, graphic design si fotografie, compozitie muzicala si mixaj sunet. Clienti: Koala Creative Network, Studio FX, McCann Erickson, Icon Advertising, Pepper Communication, The Group, Propaganda, Excite Media, Brands Talk Advertising. Branduri: La Dorna, Doncafe, Kinder, Fort, Axe, Audi, Napolact, Dots, Dr. Oetker, La Dorna, Benson and Hedges, Macro Mall Brasov, Danone, Tomi Ketchup, Famous...
Title: Titlu | Ambalaj 3d Doncafe |
Product: Produs | 3d Photo-real Illustration |
Media Type: Tip Media | |
Year, Month of first appearance: prima aparitie: an, luna | 2012, Iunie |
Agency: Agentie | Compas Studio |
Advertiser: Anuntator | Strauss |
Category: Categorie | Non-Alcoholic Drinks |
Media Agency: Agentie media | Agentie Koala Creative Network |
compas studio
2013, Septembrie
2013, Septembrie